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Writer's pictureAlex McClain

Behind the Lens: Real2Reel Visuals

Meet Javaughn Johnson, the man behind Real2Reel Visuals. I met Javaughn a few years ago when I was shooting video for my first wedding ever. ( No, I don't do weddings and I definitely DON'T DO VIDEO. So, don't ask!) I was super new to the game and video wasn't even my thing at the time, but I took on the challenge. I was in the beginning phases of trying to figure out what I liked in photography. At that time I thought weddings were the way to go. Javaughn even let me use his camera rig because I didn't have all the right equipment. I just remember him taking photos, being super confident and all in and I was definitely the new kid on the block!

Since then I've continued to follow him and his work and I love the stories he's able to tell of his couples. His visuals and videos definitely capture love in a unique way and I'm also so happy to finally feature a guy! Continue reading below to learn more about Javaugnh and Real2Reel Visuals.

1. How long have you been doing photography & videography?

6 years

2. What inspired you to pick up your camera and start shooting pictures & video?

I’ve always been interested in music videos and watching behind the scenes on how videos and movies were made. I started watching YouTube videos on how to work a camera and ended up purchasing one to play with as a hobby. I started off only doing video and then friends, family, and clients kinda forced me to do pictures. lol. So I made myself take photography more serious and learned how to really shoot and edit.

3. What do you enjoy most about shooting weddings?

I LOVE the feeling of being able to capture moments that are so pure and genuine, and helping a couple be able to relive their big day. I also love the connection and relationship that’s built between the couples and I.

4. What's the most challenging thing about being a wedding photographer?

For me the most challenging thing is having so many dope and creative shots in mind and not being able to capture them because of the time limit.

5. How did you transition into doing photography full time? Was that always the goal when you initially started?

I never thought I would be doing this full time because I was already working a career type job. So this was just a side hustle/ hobby for me. I decided to take a scary step out on faith and do this full time because I was tired of working for someone and being told what I could and couldn’t do. I wanted the freedom of making my own schedule so once my clientele got to a good point, I left my job.

6. What current gear do you shoot with?

For video I’m shooting with the Sony A7S ii and for photos I shoot with the canon 6D Mark ii

7. What advice would you give to a bride and groom on their wedding day when it comes to preparing for photos?

Relax and let your personalities show in your pictures. And prepare for your cheeks to be hurting because you’re going to be smiling and laughing all day long.

8. What was life like before you were doing photography?

Complacent. I was ok and comfortable working a 9-5. I’ve never seen or considered myself being a business owner until I started photography and videography. And that’s when I knew I found my calling.

9. How do you balance being a photographer and a dad?

I love being a dad more than I enjoy anything else. So I intentionally make sure business comes 2nd to my son. I make sure no matter what, he has his one on one time with me every day. I'm big on family.

10. What's the biggest misconception about being a wedding photographer?

I think the biggest misconception is “All you have to do is press and button and take a picture” but in reality it’s way more to it than that. I'm sure if I took a picture and handed a random person a camera and told them ro the recreate the same look, they would be lost. They wouldn’t understand the settings, the lighting, angles, depth of field, etc.

11. What advice would you give to someone who is starting out and wants to get into photography or videography?

DO YOUR RESEARCH. Watch a lot of YouTube videos. Play with your camera. Do some free shootings of other people. Get comfortable with your camera and get confident in yourself.

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