I am excited to announce I am moving into the teaching space!! I have always been a teacher at heart and I love sharing my knowledge and skills with others. Especially if it will help someone else grow and reach their own potential.
I am now offering 101 beginner photography classes starting in March. Currently I have 2 sessions available: March 4 and March 18.
The class is great for beginner photographers who want to learn now to shoot in manual and become comfortable shooting in natural light.
Keep reading below for details.
Class investment: $250
2 hour class ( outdoor setting)
Understanding the basics of natural light and becoming confident with shooting in manual
hands on experience with model and portfolio images
Must have your own camera and equipment
Sign Up here: https://forms.wix.com/f/7027367297819869726
There are only 4 spots available per class. Sign up is open until February 22
NOTE: A 50% deposit is due within 48 hours of signing up and receiving the invoice
Saturday March 4
Time: 9:00am -11:00am
Location: Riverside Park
Saturday March 18
Time: 8:00am -10:00am
Location: Durbin Park area
If you have any questions, please contact Alex Linton. Hello@ignitedsoulexpressions.com